How much does NetSuite Support or Customization Cost?

Based on the search results in 2024, the cost of NetSuite support per hour varies. Let me lay out some of the typical rates we've seen from various sources:

  • According to one source, NetSuite customizations typically range from $125 to $275 per hour, depending on the complexity of the customization and the selected partner providing the services.  Knowing that source, they are correct, but separate customization from support costs.
  • Another source mentions that NetSuite Solution Providers charge between $150 and $250 per hour for the research and discovery phase of implementation, which can take between 50 and 150 hours. From experience, depending on your company's complexity, this is only true of smaller companies with simpler processes.
  • A third source estimates that the cost of a NetSuite implementation can range from $15,000 to $75,000, equivalent to 100 to 300 hours of work at a rate of $150-250 per hour.  This source is looking at the average NetSuite implementation.

But keep in mind, these are just estimates from around the web. The cost of support can vary depending on the complexity of your implementation, the number of users, and the level of support required. 

Here is how ODDly we see things:


Keeping Your Business Moving

TThe goal of our support services is to provide efficient, timely solutions to keep your NetSuite implementation running smoothly. Whether you need a quick workaround for an issue or a stopgap until a more comprehensive solution is implemented, our support team is focused on rapid results.

Every support engagement follows a standard process: question, discovery, solution, implementation, confirmation, training, and conclusion. It's a streamlined approach to address your specific needs.

Getting Sta​rted

Still trying to figure out where to begin? We recommend kicking things off with a 1-hour support call. This allows our team to understand your situation and provide the next steps, whether a simple fix or a longer-term project.

Flexible Support Bundles 

Support is offered in bundled hours for your convenience. You benefit from lower rates by purchasing more hours upfront since our team can devote more focused time to your needs.

15 minutes is typically sufficient for basic questions and training. Anything requiring more time will receive a custom quote during that 15-minute window. Once you approve the quote, we'll ensure your support balance is sufficient if it requires purchasing those hours before proceeding with the work.

With bundled support hours and our rapid triage process, you can rest assured that issues will be addressed quickly and efficiently, keeping your business moving forward.

Subscription Support

For ongoing support needs, our subscription-based support packages offer a convenient and cost-effective solution. Choose the hourly allotment that best fits your anticipated requirements - weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

The key benefits include:

  • Budget Predictability: Lock in discounted hourly rates by committing to a set number of support hours over the subscription period. Subscriptions allow you to accurately budget for NetSuite support as an operational expense.
  • Flexible Top-Offs: If your support usage exceeds your allotted hours during any period, you have the empowering option to "top-off" with an additional hourly block purchase. This top-off ensures uninterrupted coverage without penalty.
  • Do not exceed: If requested, we will not increase your balance beyond the number of hours in your subscription. If your current hourly balance is equal to or greater than your periodic subscription amount, we will not charge you for additional hours during that period. Your balance will carry over to the next period.​
  • Right-Sized Renewals: Subscription renewals allow you to re-evaluate your needs based on actual usage data from the previous term. Increase or decrease your hourly commitment to best match your evolving support demands.
  • Try Before Buying: If you're unsure about the ideal subscription level, we recommend starting with a smaller hourly block purchase. Once you have 2-3 periods' worth of usage data, you can confidently subscribe to a larger hourly allotment that perfectly aligns with your needs.

With subscription support, you can cover short-term spikes cost-effectively while locking in discounted rates for your established, ongoing support requirements.

Functional Projects

Optimizing Without Code

For requirements that go beyond quick workarounds but don't involve custom development, our Functional Project services are the perfect solution. These span a range of optimization tasks within the standard NetSuite platform:

  • Configuration changes (fields, forms, settings)
  • Report and search creation/customization
  • Data entry and cleansing
  • Data migrations

Functional Projects are quoted as fixed-cost hourly initiatives based on the estimated workload rather than hourly billing. Fixed-cost hourly provides pricing transparency from the start.

Unified Expertise

Unlike firms that separate functional and support staff, our consultants are cross-trained to handle support cases and functional projects. This unified model ensures consistent pricing and a seamless experience, whether you need assistance or a new configuration.

When larger implementations require functional project elements alongside development work, we include those functional tasks in the overall project scope and pricing. There is no need to worry about rate discrepancies across different work-streams.

By taking a consultative approach to functional projects, we aim to optimize processes and uncover efficiencies within your standard NetSuite environment before exploring more complex custom solutions.

Development Projects

Extending NetSuite's Capabilities

When your requirements go beyond NetSuite's out-of-the-box functionality, our Development Project services provide tailored solutions through custom coding and integration work. These projects command a higher hourly rate than functional configurations due to the specialized skill set required and the high demand for experienced NetSuite developers.

Unlike functional projects, which are quoted as a single fixed cost, development initiatives follow an iterative scoping and quoting process:

  1. Initial Scoping - Our functional consultants first assess the high-level requirements and provide pricing buckets: Small (<50 hrs), Medium (<150 hrs), Large (<250 hrs)
  2. Detailed Quoting - This triggers the development team to thoroughly evaluate the technical needs and provide a precise hour estimate.
  3. Ongoing Feedback - Since new custom solutions often uncover unpredictable challenges, we maintain open communication throughout the build.

Embracing Uncertainty

Quoting custom development is as much an art as a science. While we strive to scope every project accurately, we pragmatically account for unforeseen complexities using a "90% of Murphy's Law" approach. We aim to overestimate rather than underestimate the required effort.

However, our development process is finely tuned after years of experience. In 90% of cases, we can deliver under that initial maximum quote due to our expert teams and risk mitigation strategies. Any surplus hours can then be refunded or applied to additional enhancements.

For highly complex projects that require substantial process re-engineering, we take a cautious approach - scoping the process architectural needs thoroughly before providing budgetary estimates.  

Process Architecture

The Foundation for Optimization

Many NetSuite firms take a technology-first engineering approach, implementing customizations and add-ons without fully understanding human business processes. This myopic short-sighted view can lead to unnecessary complexity, system bloat, and solutions that fail to provide lasting value.

Being ODD, we believe sustainable optimization requires harmonizing your people, processes, and technologies through Process Architecture - a holistic evaluation of how work gets done in your organization today and how it could operate more effectively tomorrow.

Understanding the Full Picture 

Rather than looking through a purely technical lens, our Process Architecture services involve comprehensive discussions with your teams to deeply understand your current processes—including manual processes, workplace behaviors, data hand-offs, and bottlenecks. This architectural perspective ensures that any human and technological solutions are grounded in your company's realities.

By taking an architectural perspective, we ensure that any technological solutions seamlessly integrate with your employees' work realities. The outcomes often reveal opportunities for process redesigns, system modifications, and improvements to human workflows.

The outcomes of these careful evaluation sessions often reveal opportunities to streamline operations through process redesign and system modifications. In some cases, removing unnecessary systems can provide as much benefit as implementing new ones.

A Commitment to Lasting Results 

Process Architecture initiatives require dedicated effort from our consultants and your team members. For established clients, we can operate on a time and materials basis. However, we recommend purchasing blocks of Process Architecture hours upfront.

This approach benefits everyone: It keeps the project focused, provides pricing discounts, and allows us to devote dedicated resources to sparring key improvements. We typically require purchasing an initial block of hours for new clients undertaking major transformations to ensure mutual commitment.

By grounding our work in Process Architecture, we uncover opportunities and implement solutions that provide compounding value—optimizing your technologies and fundamentally raising operational effectiveness.

OUR Retail RATES as of (May 2024):

  • Support: $120/hour
  • Functional Projects: $120/hour
  • Development: $180/hour
  • Process: $250/hour
  • PMO: $100/hour


Functional/Support Rates are located Pricing Section.
Contact us regarding any other quoted rates you need.

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